Sunday, September 28, 2008

My two cents

Well it's in the books. I logged my mileage for Saturday. 18 miles. Let me say that again...18 miles.
This run was sooooo much better than 16, and I finished 20 mins faster than when we did 16mi. Crazy. The first loop was 1:15:06 and the second was a dicouraging 2:31:50. I really thought that I had sped up that second lap, but I guess not. Then the third lap Jason and I led out a little ahead of the group. And we had an awesome pace going. We had to nearly sprint to make it out before the "walkers for obesity" group on the west side of the river. We barely made it too. Then we were moving across the pedistrian bridge and the beginning of the midland valley trail too. I felt like we were boooking it. Then I needed to stop for water at the last stop, but Jason kept going. He was ready to just be done. Of course there was no water. I watched a FF chick and dude stop and get some water and the chick had two hydro packs on her belt. (I wanted to tackle her) But I had to save the rest of my energy for the last mile and a half. I gotta tell you...this is where I hit my wall. I had to stop and walk. Deon caught up to me and I ran with him for about a mile, but then he left me too. But I did see my breath of fresh air in the last half mile. Travis (my husband) walked to meet me and then finished my run in with me. He is the best. When I came up on the clock I really thought it was going to rip me a new on for all the walking I did. But it didn't. I finished in 3:42:08. The last lap was a negitive split. 5 mins faster than the previous two laps.
At the end, I told Travis about hitting the wall. And he offered up some great advise that I will share with those of you who read this.
He says:
"The wall is always going to be just have to remember it's only made of styrofoam."
Thank you Travis

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hodge Podge

Ok, so I haven't run since last tHURSDAY,

I am eating like a mad woman,

I am scared about 18 this weekend,

and I added two new pics to my blog for all those who wanted to see my little girl. I had these taken this week. They are near the bottom.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let me just slip this in...

I feel like it is a little late to rant about sixteen and that you can probably get the gest of what I would write by reading the other posts about the LONG 16 miler.
I will however look forward. My husband says, you cannot have all your long runs be good runs. I reflect back to my half training and remember the same happening. All my long runs were awesom except the 10 mile long run. It took place the week before the half. I truely thought I might have made a mistake, that my body wasn't the type that could go that far. I laugh now cuz our tamered down long runs are now that 10 mile length. LOL anyway. I say all of this in preperation for our 18 miler. I look forward to it going much smoother now that I have a bad run under my belt. I isn't even that it was bad, I just felt physically defeated afterward.

See you all Thursday.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

I am kinda looking forward to the 16 miles this weekend, but I sure do wish Ike would leave us alone. I am totally fine with it starting to rain after I have started my run, but I do not like starting in the rain.
Does anyone know any rain go-away dances? Or bring the cooler weather dances? Just wondering.
6 miles was a little rough tonight. Many thanks go out to Lisa for sticking around with me. I am just glad I didn't have to ask if it was clean. Only a few will get it.

BTW, Ken...Kim Thurman has a new blog. SHe needs to be added to our group.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Songs of the 90's

How much fun was the run this morning? BTW, I took role and was missing several faces in the crowd. Maybe they looked at the weather channel...not me. I was there.
Anyway, this morning was nice and chilly. I decided to run with my light jacket. Well, about two miles into the run I realized I would have been fine just to leave it in the car. But then the sprinkles came. It got a little chilly again, but not enough to throw it back on. I was laughing when I came to the third hill by about mile 3. This is because I knew most of this course, and I KNEW there were going to be a few more than 3 hills. I think the coaches just didn't want to crush our spirits before we started. Fear coupled with the thought of rain at 5:45 AM doesn't make for a big crowd.
So I quit wearing my IPOD when I run. I still like to hear music, or as most of you know sing along with my never ending song list in my head. This morning if you were anywhere close to me you probably heard a little 4 non blondes and even a little vanilla ice. there is nothing better than running and singing. I am a bit bruised by the sticks and rocks that people threw to get me to quit. But if you know only got louder. I do take requests, but if you want to hear them you have to run my slow pace.

Friday, September 5, 2008

I don't get it

I do not nderstand how 14 miles can go so well. Almost easy. ANd 4 makes me feel like I am going to die.

That's all I got today. See you all Saturday.