Saturday, August 30, 2008

Half marathoner no longer

Well, as most of you know I was truely excited about this run today. 14 miles is no the farthest I have ever run. Today marks the day I am no longer a half marathon runner.
Now this is not to discredit anyone in the half group. That is a lot of hard work to get that far. Today however, I broke an ER. That is "Erin Record". I am so stoked.
I ran the first part of the loop with my Team Bean fellows. The first half of the second loop with Tatur Dave and the second half of the loop with the Trail Zombie himself. It was fun getting to run at a faster pace than that of which I am used to.
We will see if 16 feels this good.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Adding Hills

I am so excited to see Coach Kathy is spicing things up a bit. If you weren't there on Tuesday, then you don't know we ran up the hill on 71st to T.M. It was a good change of pace. Plus other than the last like mile or less...isn't the last of the Route 66 course uphill?
Couldn't stay, so I only got in a teaser of about 2 1/2. I could have totally run 2 1/2 at my house. Matter of fact I have a 2,3,4,5,6, and 7 mile course mapped out at my house, complete with hills. But I would rather drive the 10-14 miles out of town to meet up with my group. I love my Runners World group.
Hopefully we see more hills.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Do or Die

Ok, so up until a week ago I was NOT going to do the triathlon I got my friends all pumped up about. I was struggling with knee issues so I decided to drop the idea and try another one life. Well I was talked back into it. Now it comes time for this thing to happen. Lets forget for a moment that I have not stuck so much as my toes in the pool for a month. Lets look at the fact thatI have minimal time on a bike this month...NO time on the bike that I am riding in the race. And I have a new type of clip shoes that I am not used to.

I am pretty much relying on the running I have been doing with the AWESOME Runners World group to get me through the endurance of the whole race. I truely think I might die.

Well I am going to have to cut this blog short, I am getting ready to write my living will. If I never see you runners again, I want you to heed this one last piece of advise...Please prepare and train yourselves for events. Don't be a dumb*$$

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't

Ok, I know all of us have them, but there are days when I feel like I could run forever. I don't. But I feel like I could. Then there are days where three miles feels like up hill both ways, with no shoes.

Well because today was such a good running day, I decided to meet up with my friend afterward to go to her dance class. Please let me tell you...these girls, while in pretty decent shape, truely thought this was the best workout EVER. They were all complaining about sweating, and needing to turn on the fan, and feeling the burn. I laughed. I probably offended them, but I kinda was thinking it was a great cool down to my 6 miles that I just ran.

I told them that I had a great time, but regretfully, that I would not be back. But only because I am afraid that next week it will be back to 105* and I probably wouldn't feel like a nut. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.